Friday, 12 August 2022

Exosomal and Reich's Bion Processes:
Are They the Same?

Exosomes, Non-organic Exosomes, Bions and 'Viruses'

Firstly as my old website is down and new one not up yet, here is a link to my Annotated Bibliography on Post-Reich Orgone Journals - a cross referenced 347 page book that came from a first year of a PhD at Bolton University (the rest is on hold currently). The book is free and great thing about Smashwords is you don't even need an account to download:

There is a huge debate between those in the truth movement like Dr Lanka and Dr Kaufman and conventional microbiology. Between what is called Terrain theory, originating with Bechamp and Germ theory which was credited to Pasteur. The former says ones own body creates most microorganisms and occasionally will get rid of a unhealthy balance of toxins. It emphasises internal terrain and doesn't see viruses as coming from outside the body. Germ theory is the opposite and as it is much more in tune with the control and profiting from humanity rather than helping them, the latter is of course the dominant narrative up till recently.

The reason for adding this blog post today is because I realised this week, after a researcher published this great new article on bions and blood breakdown:

that a major area of Terrain theory is missing from the discussion:


In other words when any matter breaks down, inside or outside the body micro-cellular, pre-cell, proteinoid vesicles, that appear to be alive are formed. Basically when anything is cooked, pasteurised even, at very high temperatures these tiny vesicles are formed. Reich called them bions.

Any material will become pre-cellular exosomes (or bions as Wilhelm Reich called them) when material is superheated in water. The exosomal/bion process also happens to any internal biological cellular structure which is stressed too as the terrain researchers have noted already. I am a researcher myself and have seen these processes in a lab in UK.

Bions from an iron filling - showing exosomal process in non-living matter:

Another lab, same thing:

There's about another 6 doctors over the last century discovered the same thing as Reich giving them different names, microzymas, proteinoid microspheres, cell-wall deficient forms, pleomorphic virus/bacteria, somatids, protids, jeewanu, Rife's 'cancer virus', Reich's T-Baccili 'virus' - all likely bionously/exosomally produced micro-cells that appear in different situations of health or illness, all consistent with terrain theory. Only Reich as far as I remember showed how they are produced from non-living matter as well.


This is because mainstream science is dogmatically and vehemantly against abiogenesis and biogenesis (creation of living entities from non-living or living matter respectively) and if 'viruses' (really exosomes/bions) get created within degenerating tumour tissue this evidences biogenesis so its hushed up as 'pre-existing viral genetic codes getting activated' - gobbledegook in other words, because the truth is uncomfortable - dying big cells create new smaller living structures - the exosomal-bion process.


So to help researchers I've extracted the subject chapters in Section 2, on Bions and on Cancer from my Annotated Review (the latest evidence isn't in this review, go to and the Annals of Orgonomy journal The Institute for Orgonomic Science for latest papers on bions, Reich blood tests, orgonomy and cancer and so on).

To get the full reference, including details of the journal you will need to download the full copy which is free. Smashwords – Annotated Bibliography of Orgonomic Journals – a book by Leon Southgate

The first number below is the Bibliography Item Number in Section 1. The second number here after the bracket is the page of the journal that the synopsis refers to. So to find full reference go to Section 1 of the full Bibliography and find the relevent number. The first one here would be 212. Then scroll back in the synopses to find the journal that 212 was from. Then look at pp197 if you have a hard copy of the journal. Reading this below though will give a good idea of the research up until the late 90s I think. The formatting doesn't carry across very well but hopefully you'll get an idea of the research available.

Just as a last note I've been wondering for years which came first, Reich looking at degenerating grass or Reich cooking foodstuffs and examining them under microscope (in the discovery of bions). According to the great orgonomist Blasband, it was the latter, I reminded myself going through my notes and rereading his article in Journal of Orgonomy, 1973, V7 N1 pp31. After confirming the four-beat Orgasm or Life Formula bio-electrically (Mechanical TENSION, bioelectric CHARGE, energetic DISCHARGE, mechancial RELAXATION, Reich being unhappy with the narrative in microbiology about abiogenesis being impossible (all cells ONLY from a cell) he noted that all living things pulsate according to his life formula. So he reasoned all living things need food so lets look at food and take it from there. He found all food breaks down into pulsating, glowing microstructures which are then eaten. Later he came to know these structures from breaking down grass then eventually from breaking down sand (a fortuitous accident). The sand vesicles also had a very strong radiation - the start of the orgone energy journey that was to take him to the stars eventually (figuratively speaking, though the Space-gun, a radioactive cloudbuster was his last invention to harness the orgone and could reach the atmosphere, perhaps space itself). Anyway, a lot happens when you follow a thread and don't give up. Its a hard path though for which Reich gave his life - literally.

From Annotated Bibliography

212) 197 Medical/Orgone Psychiatric Therapy-Patient probably had bionous disintegration of epithelial lining of lungs resulting in constant infections. (Bions are proto-cellular organisms smaller than microbes formed in certain circumstances from disintegrating matter, known as bio-genesis. They were discovered by Reich. (Other researchers have found similar entities). 224) 31 Classical Medical theory gets in difficulties with the viral findings in cancer. Cancer is riddled with viruses but in order to avoid the logical conclusion: that the body can produce viruses when tissues break down, the story that viruses live in cells from before birth and are then activated had to be put forward. (It is also noted in this paper that Kaplan and Gross had induced the formation of lymphoma-type viruses purely from radiation in 1969). 225) 4-32 Bions - One of the clearest articles within orgonomy on the development and whole issue of bions and their evolution (by Reich). Comparative sizes of bions and bacilli - 22. Ernst Haeckel-a little known biologist who also discovered bion-like forms (with a somewhat mystical interpretation according to this article) - 32. 284) 21-22 Org-protozoa (protozoa developed from bion processes). Named after the orgasm formula. Bions are 'magnetically' attracted into the 'mouth' of the org-protozoa. The org-protozoa will only readily grow from dying grass. 285) 22 T-baccilli only grow in a low energy environment. 324) 35 Procedure for time-lapse micro-photography of Bions is described. Two to three pieces of moss or grass placed on a hanging drop slide, water added. Piece of wax placed under four corners of a cover slip which is placed over the slide to exclude air bubbles. Cover slip attached with paraffin to the two longer sides of the slide. One fourth of the slide cavity is not covered by the cover slip. Water is then pooled alongside the two sides not covered by the cover slip. Reservoirs replenished every two hours. Also see 556) for details of original technical equipment. 332) 156 Bions are preliminary not complete forms because they are hard to culture. (Later generations may be more complete or culturable-159). 333) 159 Four types of bion - round, long rods, cells with nuclei and amoeba-like. 334) 162 Bions and electricity Negative electrical charge appears essential for bion culturing - Reich. Bions from earth change from anode to cathode migration after galvanising at 5ma for 1 hour - 167. 368) 156 Swelling of particles can result in electrical charge. 374) 6 Reich's bion experiments used a process of pasteurisation to disprove pasteurisation! (Reich used only sterile materials superheated). 379) 14 Du Teil in his letter to the French Academy of Science requesting lab assistance to investigate Reich's claims, states that the bions would lead to a materialistic solution with life viewed as 'purposeful organisation' and assigned basically to the realm of mind. 557) 213 Bions can be... Seen clearly at 2000x with apochromatic objectives, are vesicular, have a bluish glimmer, are surrounded by a white halo, show internal and whole pulsation, can move, fuse, divide, immobilise bacteria, are Gram positive, stain blue with hematoxolin. (Reich also claimed to have cultured them but this hasn't been repeated). Contamination Objection Successive sterilisations using sealed glassware still shows the forms. Conversely unsterile technique results only in known forms of bacteria. Brownian movement Objection Some forms move actively whilst others in the same field do not. Forms will move continuously then suddenly stop. Stationary forms will suddenly start to move. Speed of movement is independent of the temperature of the medium. There is a tendency toward mutual attraction between the forms. 668) 69 Orgone Experiments Bions Carey, Dunlap A variety of substances used to prepare SAPA bions are described. Authors used Reich's original methods. Some good photographs presented. Table 2 used Orene, an orgone substance, as an added ingredient to the culturing medium. The cultures have some powerful subjective effects. Note also the increased breakdown of the cultures when kept near flourescent lights or smoke detectors in a city lab environment compared to a country location. 679) 224 Micro-biology, bions and pleomorphism - discoveries outside of orgonomy. Eusinophilic bodies described in Kaposi's sarcoma plus variety of bacterial cocci and minute rods may be bionous breakdown. Cantwell and Rowes micro-photographs show a resemblance to bionously disintegrating cancer tissue. 223-Livingstone and Jackson found a pleomorphic organism in various malignant tissues which they called a progenitor cryptocytes (0.2-0.5 microns-about virus particle size). Conventional biology may classify Reich’s T-baccili as a mycobacteria. T-baccili are a life-negative ultra-minute bion type associated with low energy charge and cancer. Mycobacteria have been found in AIDS tissues by Zakowski. 689) 13-25 Orgone Experiments Reich Blood Test (RBT) and radiation victims Blasband et al. Study confirmed broad aspects of Reich's blood test. The correlations were better at extreme ends of scale; very energy deficient or energy excess, but in general there is a definite correspondence between clinical picture and Reich blood test results. There were three groups in the study, normal controls, radiation exposed, radiation exposed with cancer. Gross appearance of blood (centre size, appearance, number of bions - small or centrally located was noted. Breakdown rate of blood cells in saline at 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes was recorded. The autoclavation test was performed. This is a stress test where blood is combined with KCL and boullion, autoclaved and measured macroscopically and microscopically for cohesiveness and breakdown of structure. The study had a relatively good number of participants, 55 and the T-Test showed a significant difference between radiation and radiation group with cancer (P=0.01) - see footnote to chart - 21. The table indicates that the difference between normals and radiation group might have been statistically significant if tested in a larger study. Bion formation rates show a clear difference between the three groups though this is not statistically analysed. Reich's red centres and blurred inner membranes were not seen. Also present day conditions might be one of chronic oranur overcharge - bion breakdown rates have become much slower than in the 1950's. Perhaps Reich was seeing an acute radiation picture. RBT has been useful for detecting extremes of bioenergetic charge-14. The normals were often somewhat undercharged too (which would skew the results against statistical significance). Very good description of RBT - visual, destructive, culturing (for bacteria) this latter part of test had to be abandoned in this study. Cancer state was populated by an increasing number of subjects with low charged, distorted cells more rapidly breaking down into small bions - 24. Out of the 16 non-radiation controls only 7 subjects could be considered healthy. Most had medium charge and some structural deficits. THis could be an indication of our oranur atmosphere - 25. Synposis of earlier Baker RBT study-17. 704) 126 3 Bions and Bechamp Bechamp discovered role of moulds in fermentation before Pasteur. He discovered 'Microzymas' - subcellular entities. Bechamp believed microzymas might be involved in the formation of chromosomes and DNA - 127. Bechamp viewed the microzymas as physiologically indestructible - living in chalk from previous ages - 127. Bions Bions take up the Giemsa bio stain and range from 2 to 10u in size-128. Bions can get smaller as they age becoming bacteria and eventually T-Bacilli at about 0.2u - 128-9. T-Baccilli Some immune stimulating effects of T-bacilli are also possible. Grad has noted upward evolvement of T-baccilli. 737) 201 Classical misinterpretation of cancer bions eg Russel Bodies and other large forms and ‘nuclear debris’ etc. Role of Cell Wall Deficient Forms in cancer not explored fully. 756) 34 Immune system functions before structuralisation: pathogenic organisms cannot survive near to highly charged bions or blood. Red blood cells (RBC) can kill pathogenic organisms simply by their energy charge. RBC can mobilise T-Baccilli (tiny cancer-associated vesicles) at a distance. T-Baccilli can also evolve upwards into PA (packet) bions. Function determines structure (multishape antibodies are an example of this). 1030) 58 Fox, S. Dose, K. (1977) Molecular Evolution and the Origin of Life, NY, Marcel Dekker. Another case of the careful editing out of Reich's work. Fox presents 2 decades of careful well researched evidence and arguments for the existence of 'proteinoid microspheres'. These are formed through cooking a mixture of amino acids. These spontaneously form polymers and micro-particles. Boiling saline is added and spheres a few microns in diameter are formed with various proto-cell characteristics such as gram-staining, electrical activity, excitability, informational molecule exchange. They call their view on life origins as 'constructionist'. The parallels to bion formation are overwhelming but amazingly Reich is not mentioned. 227) 31 Reich's Bion experiments started with cooking food and examining it microscopically. (Hypothesis - all organisms derive life energy from food). Blasband. 13) 30 Reich produced a slow motion picture bion movie/film of cancer cells being produced from low charged living tissue-this was a spectacular feat of technicality alone for 1939. 283) 21 Reich's bion micro-photographic film equipment Specially built Reichert microscope with magnification up to 5,200x. Microscope lamps. Speed adjustable Kodak movie camera. Timer allowing 120 frames per second to 1 frame per ten hours (normal speed 8 frames per sec). Equipment allowed bion development of one month to be shown in ten seconds. 232) 23 Comparative sizes, bions, T-bacilli, microbes are detailed. See other notes for details for example 742). 379) 14 Du Teil in his letter to the French Academy of Science requesting lab assistance to investigate Reich's claims, states that the bions would lead to a materialistic solution with life viewed as 'purposeful organisation' and assigned basically to the realm of mind. 387) 111-112 Around 1960 Fox and other scientists discovered that heating amino acids to high temperature and then placing them in boiling saline resulted in formation of 'proteinoid microspheres'. These exhibit life like properties-motility, budding, cleavage, growth, membrane selectivity and 'primitive' proliferation. Two particles could form junctions (similar to Reich's radiating bridges). Fox believes that such protocells are precursors to cells and are the basic unit of life. Makes no reference to Reich or bions. See International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life. Fox, S. and Dose, K. (1972) Molecular Evolution and the Origin of Life, USA, W. H. Freeman. 557) 213 Bions can be... Seen clearly at 2000x with apochromatic objectives, are vesicular, have a bluish glimmer, are surrounded by a white halo, show internal and whole pulsation, can move, fuse, divide, immobilise bacteria, are Gram positive, stain blue with hematoxolin (Reich also claimed to have cultured them but this hasn't been repeated). Contamination? Successive sterilisations using sealed glassware still shows the forms. Conversely unsterile technique results only in known forms of bacteria. Brownian movement? Some forms move actively others in the same field do not. forms will move continously then suddenly stop. stationary forms will suddenly start to move. Speed of movement is independent of the temperature of the medium. There is a tendency toward mutual attraction between the forms.
102) 206 Similarity between colitus and cancer-both are self-protection (from bionous breakdown of cells). Colitus uses high lumination and inflammation (over-charge). Colitus directs energy away from genitals. 224) 31 Classical Medical theory gets in difficulties with the viral findings in cancer. Cancer is riddled with viruses but in order to avoid the logical conclusion: that the body can produce viruses when tissues break down, the story that viruses live in cells from before birth and are then activated had to be put forward. (It is also noted in this paper that Kaplan and Gross had induced the formation of lymphoma-type viruses purely from radiation in 1969). 237) 81-84 Orgone Experiment. ORAC Mice. Only 9 animals. Used transplanted tumours. Strong ORACs. Rural location. Clear weather. Results There was a significant difference in longevity. The Treated group lived 1.6 times longer. Statistics - TTest, P=0.05. (My Note: the results may be more significant than the above because of difficulty obtaining significance in such a small group size). Autopsy results are particularly graphic and support the statistical significance. Control mice have dirty, degraded internals but Treatment mice look clean internally. There was a delayed tumour take-up in the Treatment group mice. Blasband. 239) 119 Reich's priority in illuminating cancer’s links to emotional disposition (particularly resignation). 267) 12 Reich saw the cancer cell as a protozoan that develops out of oxygen starved, immoblised body tissue. 285) 22 T-baccilli only grow in a low energy environment. 296) 173-180 Orgone Experimental Study DOR-buster in the treatment of Cancer Mice Blasband, R. Controlled study. Transplanted mammary tumours were used. Treatment lengthened life span by 1/3rd in treated mice. The size of this change would most likely be statistically significant with a better sample size (but was not reported to statistically significant here). Delay in tumour development was a strong variable. The groups were a little small (N=14) to justify a full statistical analysis. Mice in the Treatment group were much healthier and lively than those in the Control group. Conclusion Overall a good study, reported in detail, which showed a real effect by the DOR-buster on cancer affected mice. 326) 81-89 Orgone Experiment Cancer Mice - Orgonotic Functions in the Solunar Cycle. Blasband, Ganz and Konia It was hypothesised that solunar peaks of activity would increase the intensity of the ORAC’s effects. Treatment in the solunar phases delayed acceptence of transplanted tumours. Although there were 38 mice in this study no statistical analysis was attempted. There were 14 in the ORAC solunar group and similar numbers in the ORAC non-solunar group and Control group. Results Low levels of ORAC charging may worsen outcome and increase tumour size. It might be too weak a charge to stimulate immune system sufficiently. In both the solunar and non-solunar mice groups once acceptance of tumour was complete further charging increased tumour size. Blasband reported similar problems in medical DorBuster paper (1974). The study used transplanted tumours which is an artificial situation medically. Reich used spontaneously occurring tumours which showed an inhibition of tumour size throughout ORAC treatment. Perhaps investigation of a solunar effect is somewhat ambitious at this stage, however this study did show what appears to be an objective effect on tumours via the ORAC. 457) 211 People today have no conception of what is good or evil, or what is health-they can see raving madness or a carcinoma, but lack any awareness of emotional barrenness, resignation, or the existence of a shrinking biopathy. 490) 27 Eva Reich used an accumulator funnel on a woman with terminal cancer of the breast in an hospice (with permission from the chief doctor, Dr Nagler from philiadelphia). After two weeks the tumour softened and became delineated from the surrounding tissue. Dr Nagier became frightened and asked Dr Reich to stop. 560) 218 Cancer/Reich Blood Test Bright energy field around Red Blood Cell cannot be an artifact as the field pulsates. 623) 64-65 Reich’s view of the cancer cell is fundamentally divergent from the mainstream. Generally the cancer cell is seen simply as an ‘aberrant’ type of normal cell. Reich’s view is that it is a fundamentally different type of cell from the normal with a completely different genesis (i.e. bionous breakdown and subsequent reorganisation at a lower level). All biopathies (Reich’s term for a holistic disease pattern), but most especially cancer, show the following: 

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