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Evolution, Is it what it appears?
Charles Darwin's grandson was the first person who coined
that lovely phrase 'useless eaters' to describe those that our lovely elite see
as surplus to requirements (all 6.5 billion of us according to various
documents). Perhaps he was inspired by his illustrious predecessor, Charlie.
Most people, especially atheists, and on any part of the political spectrum,
view Charles Darwin as a great scientist. I view him as a great leader – a
religious one, the esteemed founder of Religious Fascism. I have this belief as
fascism, in order to become entrenched (through the back-door) within our
societies, needs a 'rational/scientific' basis – one that appeals both to the
left and right wing of the traditional political system. 'Survival of the
Fittest' and 'Gradual Evolution' is just such a 'theory' I believe.
Firstly the theory is just plain wrong. Nature is not a
survival of the fittest game-show put on by chance within a merciless universe
(‘See even the universe is fascist!’ one could hear the system defenders shriek if they were honest with themselves).
The more a natural system degrades and dies the more those within it will fight
for their survival (at the expense of their fellow creatures). But a natural,
abundant and healthy eco-system is predominantly cooperative. Even a single
cell is a cooperative. As is an organism, As is an eco-system – even between
predator and prey.
'Ahhh but...' I can hear the rationalists say, 'evolution
explains life perfectly'. No it doesn't. It isn't even a scientific theory, its
a religious ideology. The theory of evolution is not scientifically testable so
it cannot be called a scientific theory.
'Ahh but, it is still the best explanation we have of how
life-forms came about'. No it's not, its one of the best kept deceptions. The
idea of gradual physical evolution does not accord with the evidence. Great
drafts of life-forms suddenly appear in the fossil record which the book Forbidden Archeology explains in great
depth. Also it details how the keepers of the illusion – so-called scientists,
will stop at nothing to maintain their position by falsifying or ignoring data
that doesn't fit. Modern human skeletons have been found in much earlier strata
than is conventionally believed for example. Such evidence is always
whitewashed or ignored. Others argue that structures such as highly evolved
eyes would be hard to evolve by chance selection. It is also strange to me how
some creatures will evolve into whole families of other creatures in a
relatively short time period, for example, all mammals having a common
ancestor. Yet other creatures, like the crocodile, stay exactly the same for millennia after
millennia. Its an unadulterated fairytale.
A dog can 'evolve'
until its the size of a small horse if the conditions are right or its bred for
that characteristic. However, I bet we won't get a giraffe, or a kangaroo from
a horse however long we wait or breed. We are also led to believe that all this
life came about through chance – a first cell was miraculously created by
accident. Again pure fantasy. There is not enough time in the whole universe
for a bunch of monkeys to write Shakespeare's stories or for a single cell to
be created by chance. A cell is a highly complex cooperative of thousands of
specialised mini-organs. No way that just happened. Besides which conventional
science is barking up the wrong tree – the cell is not the first form of life
in any case, the bion is. The bion
can be created from any matter that is subjected to high heat within a water
solution – a posh way of saying cooked. I have seen bions being created from
super-heated totally sterile carbon – there is plenty of documentary and
peer-reviewed journal evidence for them. See my Reich Bibliography for an introduction to bions. So matter is
inherently life-creative. All you need for life to start is matter, water and
heat. Some students of bions have
observed different species of micro-organism emerging from within each other.
Perhaps this is partly how organisms appear. I have no idea to be honest, I
just feel the gradual evolution ideology is incorrect, both intuitively and
from the evidence. The universe is a massive life-womb. Exactly how creatures
appear I don't know.
So how does all of this equate to fascism? In order to
impose an unnatural state of affairs, a top-down centralised, elite lording it
over a subdued, mind-controlled world-wide mass of people one needs an
unnatural set of beliefs to back it up. Most beliefs stem from personal and
societal philosophies. Gradual evolution is one central philosophy of western
society. A cornerstone of our beliefs is that life works according to vicious
hierarchies. This means that it’s right that the most powerful, aggressive and
vicious people should control society. Evolution, as Darwin saw it condones the
survival of the most aggressive and domineering psychopaths. In fact, pathology
it is a useful trait. The most aggressive individuals will rise to the top and
help keep society divided and alienated. Divide and rule subdues the masses. It
also distracts the masses who have to struggle just to survive – no time to
think, got to earn my crust. Again, life should
be a struggle to survive – that is how nature works according to
evolutionary theory. As long as the masses are struggling to survive they won't
have time or energy to reflect on their dire situation.
Darwin's theories also condone conforming to the norm. The
pack mentality, is another useful way of surviving the dog-eat-dog brutality of
nature. So unthinking obedience to the group is condoned. That could just be
useful to our new world order elite.
Lastly, evolution emphasises that the physical world is all
there is, life is just a random materialistic event that scientists can unravel
fully for us. So, this keeps our new religion, Scientism, and its
white coated high priests safe lording it over us in their cushy jobs and
positions of authority.
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